The District Goes Radical in the 1960s
Early 60s
All of the following lived (not at the same time) at 2224 Roosevelt: Mike Myerson (Co-founder and chair of SLATE) and girlfriend Deanna Burke. (SLATE was a pioneering organization of the New Left and precursor of the Free Speech Movement at U.C. Berkeley). Bettina Aptheker and her then husband, Jack Kurzweil (both were members of the FSM at the University of California). (Bettina’s father, Herbert Aptheker, was a Marxist historian and prominent Communist intellectual.) Margy Lima Wilkinson and her husband Tony Wilkinson (both in FSM). (Margy’s father, Albert J. (Mickie) Lima, was head of the No. Calif. branch of the U.S. Communist Party.) Michael Tigar (an FSM attorney) and his then wife Patty Susan Chesney (writer of FSM songs).
Herb Mills (co-founder of SLATE) and his wife Becky lived across the street, as did Mike Miller (another SLATE co-founder).